Airbnb Coupon Code | Get FREE $40 Off Your Booking!

If you’re looking for an Airbnb coupon code, you’re in the perfect place! I detail how to get a damn good deal below.

But first, you MUST read this:

If you’re looking for an Airbnb discount code, but have already traveled with Airbnb…you MUST log out of your current account right now.

If you’re new to Airbnb, keep on reading. You’ll get your $40 Airbnb credit no matter what. But for travelers who have used the service already, make sure to log out of your account in a new tab right now.

Then just click the obnoxiously large button right here:sign up botton 1

When using a new account, you’ll get $40 FREE Airbnb credit that automatically goes towards your first booking over $75 USD. No matter what!

Talk about a deal.

But there’s a little more to know about Airbnb discounts and all that jazz, so let’s dig a little deeper.

In this guide, we’ll cover things like:

If any specific section is the information you need to succeed, just click the link and you’ll be taken to that part of the guide.

For those looking for a general overview of Airbnb coupons and how to use them properly, just keep reading.



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Airbnb Coupon Codes | What You MUST Know

Airbnb is the absolute bee’s knees when it comes to short term traveling. And while that phrase is a bit tame and lame, it’s hard not to be enthusiastic about what Airbnb offers us travelers.

For trips of one day to three months, Airbnb makes it damn easy to book a quick place and get a great deal.

Oh, and the Airbnb coupon here works anywhere in the whole wide world. From Toronto to Timbuktu, and Bali too…you’ll be able to use this coupon.

Oh, and it gets better. Getting an Airbnb discount code and using it is quite simple. Just click here or the big ole’ button above.

You’ll have to create a new email address for the account. Having a new account is essential here.

Luckily with Airbnb, you can almost create endless new accounts with just a new email address.

Once you’ve created the new account after clicking the link, you’ll find a small icon in the left sidebar showing you that you have a certain dollar amount of Airbnb credit.

It should look something like this:

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What the credit will look like in your new account.

For example, I currently have $57 in Airbnb credits.

When you click the link and sign up, you’ll start out with $40 USD in credits.

Once you have that $40 free credit showing up, simply book your next adventure on Airbnb. Nothing else is required of you.

That “hard” part is done at that point.

The only stipulation or “rule” so to speak…is that your booking must be for at least $75 bucks. Airbnb still has to make some type of cash here.

So they won’t let you get $40 free bucks and then book a $39 rental.

You’ve gotta spend $75 on the rental to use the $40 buck credit!

But that’s pretty easy these days, especially if you’re staying for more than a night. Most rentals on the site are at least $30+ bucks a night, especially if you’re renting a private apartment or house.

You’ll easily spend over $75 on most 2-3 night rentals.

What dis’ mean?

You’ll be able to use the Airbnb discount code on almost any Airbnb rental. Below you’ll find out exactly how.


Using the Airbnb Coupon Code

Now, I’ve got a whole hell of a lot of faith in ye’ readers. I know y’all know how to use the Airbnb coupon code.

But I like to ensure they are zero surprise for you.

So below you’ll find out exactly how to use this Airbnb discount from A-Z:

That link will open in a new tab and automatically take you to a page that looks like this:

Once on that screen simply, click the “Sign Up…” button and you’ll see a new screen that will prompt you through the sign up process.

Make sure you use a NEW EMAIL ADDRESS during this sign up process. This is essential. Also, and this isn’t essential, tweak your first name if you can.

For me, I switched from “Jacob” to “Jake” when I got the Airbnb coupon code for the second time.

Going from “Rob” to “Robert” would be another example.

If you don’t have a name that allows this, don’t worry! You’ll still get the $40 discount.

Just complete the sign up process.

Don’t worry about adding any photos or phone numbers.

  • Step 2: Find your first rental.

Once you complete the sign up, you’ll find the credit is already in your account. There’s nothing else you need to do with your Airbnb coupon code but find and book a rental!

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The above is what you’ll see in your new Airbnb account after signing up.

Now, you have the credit and can book an Airbnb anywhere in the world. It’s truly that simple.

Just remember you have to spend at least $75 USD on the rental for the credit to actually be applied.

To start, just search the city you plan to book a rental in and start looking around. Most bigger cities around the world have thousands upon thousands of Airbnb listings for you to choose from.

For example, Miami has endless rental options on the site. Just look…

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  • Step 3: Book your first rental.

Once you find a rental you like and the dates are available, simply click the “Book” button on Airbnb.

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You’ll be taken to a check out page and be asked to enter credit card information, along with a few other items.

Here’s what you must know:

The Airbnb coupon will be automatically applied at checkout!

Don’t worry about anything. Just complete the checkout process and booking.

You’ll see the coupon code applied while booking and confirming the listing. Airbnb’s system automatically applies the discount for you once you get to this stage in the game.

Again, just make sure the list is over $75 USD.


Other Ways to Get Airbnb Discounts!

Now, this ole’ Airbnb coupon code certainly isn’t the only way to get a discount on the booking site.

In fact, I’ve found far better ways to save money on Airbnb for the intrepid travelers out there.

Methods I’ve used to save myself thousands upon thousands of dollars over the years.

What are these methods I speak of?

Well, outside of the Airbnb coupon code…here’s a few more ways to save:

  • Ask for a discount

Crazy, right?

Most people think Airbnb works like hotels. You just accept the price that’s listed and move on down the road.

That’s far from true.

In fact, I’ve found Airbnb to be the exact opposite.

When you use Airbnb, you have the freedom to wheel and deal. Aka negotiate on the price.

You always have room to NEGOTIATE on Airbnb, especially if you’re staying for more than a week.

For example, here’s a message I sent to a host when looking for a weekly rental in the Dominican Republic:


The apartment went for $140 a night and she only offered a 5% listed discount on weekly rates. After a little back and forth, she finally agreed to it.

With Airbnb and cleaning fees added on, we ended up paying $86 bucks a night on what would have been $150+ a night had I not simply asked.

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However, there is a little bit of an art here. I’ve been using Airbnb for years and know how to wheel and deal on the site.

There’s a few things to think about…

Is it “high” season for the landlord?

If it’s high season, you’ll be less likely to get a great deal negotiating.

Do they offer a listed discount?

If you’re booking for a week or more, you’ll often see a listed discount on Airbnb when you enter the dates. This is rarely the best price the landlord will offer.

However, when you a listed discount, you need to think about what’s typical.

For weekly rentals, most landlords are willing to take 10-30% off their listed daily price. I don’t recommend asking for more than 30% off when negotiating for weekly rates.

For monthly rentals, most landlords are willing to take 20-60% off their listed daily price. So, a $100 daily rental would end up being $1,200-2,400 a month.

When asking for monthly discounts, I generally ask for 40-50% off the daily rate. But I do so with a cash value.

So if the apartment costs $50 bucks a day, I’ll offer $750 per month for my stay.

By asking in cash, the landlord sees how much money it is and denying you become a lose of money for him/her…not just a percentage.

Make sure to contact them here…

Do NOT click the book button instantly when negotiating long stays. You want them to send you a special offer instead.

So scroll down to the host’s profile section of the listing.

It’ll look something like this:

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You hit the “Contact host” button and then send a nice little message inquiring about the dates you want, saying you love the apartment, and then asking for the discount.

Make sure to be complimentary, but straightforward.

  • Book longer stays

I’ve already mentioned this above a bit, but the best way to get a discount on Airbnb is to stay for 2-3 months at one rental.

When you stay for multiple months, the landlord will get months of consistent revenue without worry.

As such, they will offer great pricing when you message them and ask about their long-term discounts – especially in low-season.

You can easily get 50%+ off the daily rate when staying for this long. All you’ve gotta do is ask.

  • Become a host

Ok, so this doesn’t have much to do with an Airbnb coupon code or discount.

But you can make a whole hell of a lot of money by hosting on Airbnb.

If you have a property that could be rented out or a couple spare bedrooms, you could be sitting on thousands of dollars in profit each and every month.

All you gotta do is become an Airbnb host and start listing your properties.

The process is pretty simple and straightforward.

For more information…

Just click here.

Why Airbnb?

Many first-time travelers are curious about Airbnb, but maybe don’t know a lot about the platform.

Maybe you’ve been staying in hotels or hostels for so long that you don’t know why someone would prefer to stay in an Airbnb rental.

Well, here’s a few reasons:

  • Airbnb is everywhere: You’ll find rentals in every city around the world. Usually they’ll be hundreds…if not thousands!
  • More privacy: The option to book a full house or apartment ensures you get tons of privacy when booking an Airbnb. No nosy hotel employees or annoying hostels kids to deal with.
  • Full amenities: It’s wonderful to wake up to your own place halfway around the globe. A place filled with fast Wi-Fi and a private kitchen.
  • Ideal for long-term: Staying in a hotel or hostel for a month sucks. I’ve done it. With Airbnb, you get your own private place – often just like you’d have at home.
  • Great pricing: Airbnb offers a lot of room for negotiation and there’s a price range for everyone on the platform. From budget to luxury, you can find something that suits you at a great price point.
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Condesa Airbnb apartment in Mexico City. Around $50 USD a night.

How to Find the Perfect Airbnb Rental

If the above information isn’t enough, below you’ll find everything you need to look for before booking the perfect Airbnb rental.

Just don’t forget to use the Airbnb discount code!

Here’s how to find the perfect Airbnb rental:

  • Location, Location, Location: Don’t just search by the city. First, look for neighborhoods. For example, in Mexico City, you’d want to only search in places like Condesa or Roma Norte.
  • Entire Places Only: I recommend only booking an entire private apartment or home when using Airbnb. While you can book rooms and shared rooms on the site, I prefer the privacy an entire place offers.
  • Find the View: I absolutely love balcony views. So I usually will search for a place in the ideal location that has a stunning balcony view. This makes booking an Airbnb even more magical.
  • Ask about Wi-Fi: I work online, so I always inquire about the Wi-Fi speeds in any apartment I’m renting. Maybe you want hot water or a blender or whatever…just message the host about it before booking.
  • Don’t be scared to negotiate: As mentioned above, feel free to ask for a discount on the platform – especially on longer stays. The worst a host can say is “No!” and then you find somewhere else.
  • Use your Airbnb coupon code: Don’t forget to use that coupon code to save another $40 bucks too!



That about wraps up everything I know about Airbnb coupon codes.

From how to save a quick $40 bucks to negotiating major discounts on long-term stays, everything you need to know can be found inside this comprehensive guide.

Just remember to make sure you’re using a new account when you click below to sign up and get your coupon code…

sign up botton 1

Jake Nomada

Travel junkie turned blogger. Location independent. From the Midwest, but often based in Latin America. Big on beaches, rumba, and rum. Addicted to the gym. Committed to showing a different style of travel - one that involves actually interacting with locals and exploring different cultures.

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