The Worst Airbnb Apartment Rental in the World

Location: Santiago de Los Caballeros, Dominican Republic I just went through Airbnb hell. While I’m a big fan of Airbnb, no service is perfect… Sometimes things just don’t work how they’re supposed to. And with this rental, I knew it’d be rough from the jump. When things go south, they go fast. My stay in the […]


Traveling With Supplements | The Ultimate Guide

As a fitness junkie, I know traveling with supplements is a niche topic only a few may care about. My obsession with supplements on the road is a rarity, but for the few people that will find the topic interesting…I’ll break down exactly how to hit the road with your favorite supplements intact. See I’ve […]


How to Make Friends While Traveling As An Introvert

Curious how to make friends while traveling as an introvert? You probably opened up Google and typed in something about traveling alone and making friends. The results came up, and I’d be willing to bet good money they all talked about hostels and CouchSurfing. Not exactly what an introvert needs. See, I love socializing, but the […]